For App Users

Will Daynamica work on my phone?

Daynamica is currently available for both iOS and Android phones. It has been tested and is known to work on iPhone 6 and later, and on Android devices running Android 6 (Marshmallow) or later.

Will Daynamica affect the battery life on my phone?

The Daynamica app has been carefully designed to minimize its impact on your phone’s battery life. For most users, over the course of a typical day, Daynamica will reduce your battery charge level by less than 10%.

Will Daynamica use up my data plan?

Daynamica will automatically upload the data it collects to our servers every night (typically in the early morning hours). For most studies, these nightly uploads are small, and use about the same amount of data as streaming a one-minute YouTube video. If your phone is connected to WiFi, then these uploads will have no impact on your data plan. If not, then you can expect a month’s worth of uploads to use about 50-100 MB.

This sounds a little creepy. What will Daynamica know about me?

Daynamica uses the GPS on your phone to detect your location and movements during the day, and assembles this information to identify the type, location, and duration of your daily trips and activities. These data are uploaded to and stored on a secure server operated by Amazon Web Services, the industry leader for cloud-based hosting. When the study you are participating in ends, the data are transferred to whoever was running it, usually a researcher or organization. Unlike many tech companies you are likely familiar with, we do not sell your data to anyone. See our Privacy Policy for more information. The researchers or organization who recruited you to use Daynamica should be able to provide you with information about how they will process and analyze your data once Daynamica has collected it. 

Can I stop the app from tracking me?

If you want to temporarily stop the app from tracking you, you can pause data collection from the ‘Settings’ menu. Some studies may require you to meet a certain minimum number of days of active data collection to be compensated for participating, so you should check with your study manager/coordinator if you plan to pause data collection for a long period. If you want to stop tracking permanently, you can tap the ‘End data collection’ button in the ‘Settings’ menu. Again, please check with your study manager/coordinator if you have questions about whether terminating data collection will affect your eligibility for compensation.

The app’s not working. What should I do?

If you are experiencing problems with the Daynamica app, you should first contact your study manager or coordinator rather than the Daynamica team. Depending on the issue you are having, a member of the Daynamica team may reach out to you to get more information and help to resolve the problem.

How do I uninstall the Daynamica app?

You can uninstall the Daynamica app in the same way you uninstall any app on your phone (see instructions for iPhone and Android). When you uninstall the app, all data collection will stop. If you want to restart data collection for the same study at a later time, you will need to re-install the app from the App Store or Google Play Store and activate it with the username and password you were provided when you first installed the app. Using the same username will ensure that your data are linked together.